2022/03/25 Block post about mid-term of the project
A blog entry about the results on the mid-term of the project was made by Vera Besse on the homepage of the project partner akaryon.
A blog entry about the results on the mid-term of the project was made by Vera Besse on the homepage of the project partner akaryon.
On the website of the University of Ostrava, an article in Czech was written about the work in the eco3 project and the progress of the project.
Interested lecturer and researcher in the field of sustainability, sustainability management were invited for a networking meeting in the course of the #erasmusdays on 14.10.2021.
A blog entry on the meeting in Ostrava on the homepage of akaryon was made by Vera Besse.
Blog Post in german on the website of our partner xit GmbH
The Faculty of Social Sciences published an article on their website about the project.
The University of Ostrava, which is responsible for the teaching framework, drew attention to the project through social media such as Facebook and Instagram.